HYE - Have You Ever? 108 cards, shrink wrapped

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Customer Testimonial
"The shipment arrived earlier than I expected and it was FREAKING AMAZING! Great job with printing, it was exactly what I did. The birthday boy was happy as I had never seen him. Thanks for that, guys!"
ND, Lucca Italy
63 x 88mm Custom Cards (Blank Cards)
  • Size: 2.48'' x 3.46'' (63mm x 88mm)
  • No. of cards: 108 Cards
  • Card stock:Standard (smooth)
  • Packaging: Shrink-wrapped
  • Note: Any red dotted lines shown around the border will not be printed which is used by the designer for print bleeding reference only

This game is about trying to read the opponent on the impression he/she has given you so far! Before asking a question, you must guess what the answer will be! is your opponent the adventurous type or a couch potato? This HYE..? card deck contains 380 questions in the categories: life, adventure, romance and even sex and 12 flash cards. Take it with you on your travels or when going to the pub! Or just play it with your better half and find out how well you really know each other!

Design ref: 102103728087
About the design:

Designer: Allard Lamain [ See this store ]

Games that are designed to get to know each other, quickly and in a fun way.

This design belongs to the seller which was uploaded to our Seller's platform

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