Custom Birthday Party Invitation Puzzle

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Applies to duplicate prints
Packaging: [ view ]
  1. Download custom box file (You can download this file at a later step within our puzzle maker if you wish.)
  2. Add your design to the file on Ai or other image editing software
  3. Save it and upload your finished file within our online puzzle maker
$1.25 - $11.35
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"Great Products."
Katie, UK
Custom Birthday Party Invitation Puzzle
  • Size: 5" x 7" (128 mm x 178 mm)
  • Thickness: Approx. 1.55 mm
  • No. of pieces: 6 / 12 pieces
  • Material: Sturdy cardboard with lamination and a glossy finish
  • Packaging options:
    • Warm white envelope (default) - Puzzle is assembled and shrink-wrapped
    • Tin box - Unassembled puzzle pieces put into tin box
      1. Personalized tin box - printed with the same image on lid as on your puzzle
      2. Plain tin box
      3. Custom tin box - print a different image on lid to your puzzle
    • Tuck box - Unassembled puzzle pieces put into tuck box
      1. Personalized tuck box - printed with the same image on lid as on your puzzle
      2. Plain tuck box
      3. Custom tuck box - your own design on box
  • Tuck box size:
    2.85" x 1" x 4.8" (72.3 mm x 25.7 mm x 122 mm)
  • Tin box size:
    3.9" x 2.8" x 0.95" (100 mm x 71 mm x 24 mm)
Product code: PS121009-01

If they're throwing a birthday party, then this photo puzzle invitation will surely kick your party off in style. 12 puzzle pieces 5x7 custom jigsaw feature your photo and invitation message printed on it. You can easily design the puzzle invites using our online editing tools and there are wide range of pre-designed invitaion templates to get your started. Simply follow the step-by-step instruction, and use our online editing tools to insert uploaded photo and to add text to the puzzle template. Review your personalization online and submit your order to us. Unassembled custom puzzle invite comes with a seperate envelope for mailing. Sold individually and no minimum order requirement. Inexpensive jigsaw puzzle invitations are stylish birthday party gifts and favors and also work great as surprise birthday party nvitations for kids and family reunion.


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